Self-portrait as a Young Man
(Naples 1598 - Rome 1680)
This work is Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s Self-portrait at the age of roughly 25; it is believed to be one of the artist’s first attempts at painting. Critics have proposed that it may have been executed at about the same time as the famous marble David, which Scipione Borghese commissioned, given the tense gaze which characterises the face in the Biblical hero, an expression which Bernini studied on himself. Together with the Self-portrait at a Mature Age and the Portrait of a Boy – also held by the Galleria – this canvas forms part of the core of the most important works which attest to Bernini’s activity as a painter.
Object details
17th-century frame, black with wave-like contours, gilded internal fillet with lotus leaf motifs, 72.5 x 64.5 x 8.5 cm
Purchased by Italian state from collection of Alvise De Ruggieri, 1919.
- 1922 Firenze, Palazzo Pitti
- 1930 Roma
- 1954 Napoli, Palazzo Reale
- 1981 Città del Vaticano, Braccio di Carlo Magno
- 1992 Roma, Palazzo delle Esposizioni
- 1998 Roma, Galleria Borghese
- 1998-1999 Milano, Palazzo Reale
- 1999 Roma, Palazzo Venezia
- 2006 Roma, Castel Sant’Angelo
- 2007 Roma, Palazzo Barberini
- 2008-2009 Los Angeles, J.P. Getty Museum; Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada
- 2013 Lens, Louvre-Lens
- 2014-2015 Lipsia, Museum der Bildenden Künste
Conservation and Diagnostic
- 1936 Carlo Matteucci
- 1963 Alvaro Esposti
- 1996 Paola Tollo
- 2009 Laboratorio della Soprintendenza
This painting comes from the collection of Alvise De Ruggeri. The Galleria Borghese purchased it in 1919 as a work by Andrea Sacchi. Yet as early as 1908 D’Achiardi had proposed an attribution to Gian Lorenzo Bernini, which was accepted by Corrado Ricci when the work entered the Collection and which critics since have supported, with rare exceptions. Scholars have dated the painting to around 1623, when the artist was 25 years old. It is referred to as the Self-portrait as a Young Man to distinguish it from another painting he made of himself, the Self-portrait at a Mature Age, which likewise forms part of the Borghese Collection (inv. no. 545). The dating of the canvas was proposed by Luigi Grassi, both because of its similarities to the David with the Head of Goliath in Palazzo Barberini and to the fact that the portrayed subject could well be 25 years old, which was Bernini’s age at that time. Critics have generally accepted Grassi’s thesis. (For a summary of the proposed attributions and chronologies, see Petrucci 2006, pp. 310-311; Montanari 2007, pp. 88-89). An engraving with the image of the artist, which was in circulation in about 1622, offers a useful comparison, even though his features are not as carefully depicted as in the painting: while his hair is shorter, it is equally wavy, and Bernini wears the same moustache and mouche below the lower lip as in the Borghese painting (Herrmann Fiore 1992, p. 38; Petrucci 2006; Montanari 2007).
As in other portraits by him, such as the above-mentioned Self-portrait at a Mature Age and the Portrait of a Boy (inv. no. 555), here Bernini depicts himself against a greenish backdrop. The lower portion of the painting, at the level of the collar and the shoulders, seems to have been only sketched, as if devoid of descriptive interest. The face was executed with touches of pure colour without the use of linear contours, in line with a macchia painting, a technique that contrasts light and dark tones (see Petrucci 2006). The use of dense colouring indicates that Bernini aimed for a compact, volumetric rendering of his face, a solidity that suited a sculptor’s inclination in his first attempts as a painter (Herrmann Fiore 1992; Martinelli 2003, pp. 23-24).
Critics have often commented on the tense and questioning gaze, defined by some as almost aggressive. This was probably the result of a study of expressions conducted by the artist on himself in preparation for defining the face of the famous marble David (inv. no. LXXVII), which our sources identify as a representation of Bernini himself. The sculpture was originally commissioned by Cardinal Montalto but then taken over by Scipione Borghese. The work in fact dates to 1623-24 and shows a close connection to the Self-portrait as a Young Man (Herrmann Fiore 1992; Petrucci 2006; Montanari 2007).
In light of both its style and its early date, critics believe that the canvas represents one of Bernini’s first attempts at painting. The work is in fact considered the archetype of a series of portraits and self-portraits executed by the artist, as well as a standard of comparison for others that may be attributed to him in the future (Montanari 2007).
The painting has been set in relation to two other drawings of Bernini self-portraits, one held at the British Museum in London (Grassi 1962 ) and the other at Kupferstichkabinett in Düsseldorf (Kruft, Larsson 1968, p. 130; see also Herrmann Fiore 1992).
Pier Ludovico Puddu
- P. D’ Achiardi, Due ritratti sconosciuti di G.L. Bernini, in “L’Arte”, XI, 1908, pp. 379-380;
- A. Muñoz, Bernini pittore, in “Rassegna d’Arte Antica e Moderna”, VII, 1920, pp. 146-148;
- Mostra della Pittura Italiana del Seicento e Settecento MCMXXII, catalogo della mostra (Firenze, Palazzo Pitti, 1922), Roma-Milano-Firenze 1922, p. 37, n. 107;
- G. Cantalamessa, Cronaca delle Belle Arti. Acquisti, in “Bollettino d'Arte”, II, 1922-1923, p. 97;
- R. Longhi, Precisioni nelle Gallerie Italiane, I, La R. Galleria Borghese, Roma 1928, p. 226;
- V. Mariani, Ancora un dipinto del Bernini, in “L’Arte”, XXXII, 1929, p. 25;
- Mostra di Roma Seicentesca, catalogo della mostra (Roma, 1930), a cura di G. Incisa Della Rocchetta, Roma 1930, p. 19, nota 86;
- M. Nugent, Alla mostra della pittura italiana del ‘600 e ‘700, note e impressioni, II, S. Casciano, Val di Pesa 1930, pp. 385-386;
- H. Brauer, R. Wittkower, Die Zeichnungen des Gianlorenzo Bernini, Berlin 1931, p. 15;
- L. Grassi, Bernini Pittore, Roma 1945, pp. 19, 21-22, 29-30;
- A. De Rinaldis, Catalogo della Galleria Borghese, Roma 1948, p. 68;
- V. Martinelli, Le pitture del Bernini, in “Commentari” I, 1950, pp. 97-98;
- C. Refice, Andrea Sacchi disegnatore, in “Commentari”, I, 1950, 4, p. 216;
- P. Della Pergola, La Galleria Borghese in Roma (“Itinerari dei Musei e monumenti d’Italia”), Roma 1951, p. 45;
- L. Grassi, Di un ritratto inedito e ancora del Bernini pittore, in “Bollettino di storia dell’arte”, 1951, p. 102;
- R. Wittkower, Works by Bernini at the Royal Academy, in “The Burlington Magazine”, XCIII, 1951, pp. 51, 55, nota 37;
- Mostra del ritratto storico napoletano, catalogo della mostra (Napoli, Palazzo Reale, 1954), a cura di G. Doria, F. Bologna, Napoli 1954, p. 21, n. 21;
- P. Della Pergola, La Galleria Borghese. I Dipinti, II, Roma 1959, pp. 72-73, n. 107;
- V. Martinelli, ad vocem Bernini Gian Lorenzo scultore, in “Enciclopedia Universale dell’Arte”, II, 1959, p. 538;
- L. Grassi, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Roma 1962, pp. 154-155;
- L. Salerno, in H. Klinder, G. Bazin, H. Gerson, Kindlers Malerei Lexicon, I, Zurigo 1964, p. 331;
- M. Fagiolo Dell’Arco, Bernini: una introduzione al gran teatro del barocco, Roma 1966, n. 26;
- A. Riccoboni, Questo il volto di Gianlorenzo Bernini, in “Capitolium”, XLI, 1966, pp. 14-15;
- H. W. Kruft, L. O. Larsson, Porträtzeichnungen Berninis und seiner Werkstatt, in “Pantheon”, XXVI, 1968, 2, p. 130;
- M. Fagiolo Dell’Arco, A. Cipriani, Bernini, Königstein 1981, p. 3;
- P. Santa Maria Mannino, in Bernini in Vaticano, catalogo della mostra (Città del Vaticano, Braccio di Carlo Magno, 1981), a cura di A. Gramiccia, Roma 1981, p. 56, n. 33;
- K. Herrmann Fiore, in Invisibilia. Rivedere i capolavori. Vedere i progetti, catalogo della mostra (Roma Palazzo delle Esposizioni, 1992), a cura di M. E. Tittoni, S. Guarino, Roma 1992, p. 38;
- A. Coliva (a cura di), Galleria Borghese, Roma 1994, p. 236;
- K. Herrmann Fiore (a cura di), Guida alla Galleria Borghese, Roma 1997, pp. 89-90;
- A. Angelini, Gian Lorenzo Bernini e i Chigi tra Roma e Siena, Cinisello Balsamo 1998, p. 55;
- K. Herrmann Fiore (a cura di), Guida alla Galleria Borghese, Roma 1998, pp. 90-91;
- K. Herrmann Fiore, in Bernini scultore. La nascita del Barocco in Casa Borghese, catalogo della mostra (Roma, Galleria Borghese, 1998), a cura di A. Coliva, S. Schütze, A. Campitelli, Roma 1998, pp. 222-223, n. 20 ;
- R. Sansone, in L’anima e il volto: ritratto e fisiognomica da Leonardo a Bacon, catalogo della mostra (Milano, Palazzo Reale, 1998-1999), a cura di F. Caroli, Milano 1998, pp. 272-273;
- K. Herrmann Fiore, in Gian Lorenzo Bernini regista del Barocco, catalogo della mostra (Roma, Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia, 1999), a cura di M.G. Bernardini, M. Fagiolo Dell’Arco, Milano 1999, p. 296, n. 3;
- A. Coliva, Ritratti e autoritratti : Bernini e Velásquez, in Velásquez a Roma, Velásquez e Roma, catalogo della mostra (Roma, Galleria Borghese, 1999-2000), a cura di A. Coliva, Milano 1999, p. 35 e sgg.
- I. Sgarbozza, in Velásquez a Roma, Velásquez e Roma, catalogo della mostra (Roma, Galleria Borghese, 1999-2000), a cura di A. Coliva, Milano 1999, p. 91, n. 15;
- C. Stefani, in P. Moreno, C. Stefani, Galleria Borghese, Milano 2000, p. 303, n. 11;
- F. Petrucci, L’opera pittorica di Gian Lorenzo Bernini, in Bernini a Montecitorio, a cura di M.G. Bernardini, Roma 2001, pp. 66, 68, 77, 87;
- M. Fagiolo Dell’arco, “Plus né pour être paintre que sculpteur”. Novità su Bernini pittore e i suoi allievi, in “Firmantiquari”, X, 2002, 28/29, p. 30;
- V. Martinelli, Le pitture del Bernini, in D. Gallavotti Cavallero (a cura di), Bernini e la pittura, Roma 2003, pp. 23-24;
- T. Montanari, Bernini e Rembrandt, il teatro e la pittura. Per una rilettura degli autoritratti berniniani, in D. Gallavotti Cavallero (a cura di), Bernini e la pittura, Roma 2003, pp. 196-197;
- F. Petrucci, I dipinti del Bernini, in D. Gallavotti Cavallero (a cura di), Bernini e la pittura, Roma 2003, pp. 150, 153;
- F. Petrucci, Bernini pittore, dal disegno al “maraviglioso composto”, Roma 2006, pp. 310-311;
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- K. Herrmann Fiore, Galleria Borghese Roma scopre un tesoro. Dalla pinacoteca ai depositi un museo che non ha più segreti, San Giuliano Milanese 2006, p. 177;
- T. Montanari, A New Portrait by Bernini, in “The Burlington Magazine”, CXLVIII, 2006, 1240, p. 478;
- T. Montanari, Bernini pittore, in Bernini pittore, catalogo della mostra (Roma, Palazzo Barberini, 2007-2008), a cura di T. Montanari, Cinisello Balsamo 2007, p. 24;
- T. Montanari, in Bernini pittore, catalogo della mostra (Roma, Palazzo Barberini, 2007-2008), a cura di T. Montanari, Cinisello Balsamo 2007, pp. 88-89, n. 1;
- J. L. Seydl, in Bernini and the Birth of Baroque Portrait Sculpture, catalogo della mostra (Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum; Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada, 2008-2009), a cura di A. Bacchi, Los Angeles 2008, p. 87, n. I.I;
- T. Montanari, Il colore del marmo. I busti di Bernini tra scultura e pittura. Ritratto e storia, funzione e stile (1610-1638), in I marmi vivi. Bernini e la nascita del ritratto barocco, catalogo della mostra (Firenze, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, 2009), a cura di A. Bacchi et alii, Firenze 2009, p. 104;
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